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MTM Board: Back on track for success

On September 1, the MTM Board held its last meeting of the 2020-2023 period at the MTM Institute in Zeuthen. The main topics were the preparation of the annual financial statements 2022, the current business development 2023, the budget planning 2024 and the preparation of the MTM General Assembly 2023.

MTM-Vorstand: Zurück in die Erfolgsspur

On September 1, the MTM Board held its last meeting of the 2020-2023 period at the MTM Institute in Zeuthen. The main topics were the preparation of the annual financial statements 2022, the current business development 2023, the budget planning 2024 and the preparation of the MTM General Assembly 2023.

The last three years were characterized “strongly from the outside” by the Corona pandemic, supply chain problems, the energy crisis, and high inflation. During this period, 15 board meetings of the MTM ASSOCIATION e. V. and shareholders’ meetings of the Deutsche MTM-Gesellschaft mbH were held to discuss and vote on the direction of the organization. A total of 174 decisions were made. Among them was the amendment to the by-laws of MTM ASSOCIATION e. V. in 2021, which will enable the hybrid staging of the MTM General Assembly in 2023. This is an important step in allowing members to participate in the most important meeting of our nonprofit organization.

In trusting cooperation with the management, the MTM board succeeded in stabilizing the MTM organization in the difficult years of 2020 and 2021 and in leading it back to success in 2022 and 2023. “As managing director, I would like to thank all board members on behalf of all employees and on behalf of the MTM community for their voluntary commitment to MTM and for their willingness – in not entirely easy times – to take responsibility for the MTM organization,” says Prof. Dr. Peter Kuhlang, CEO of MTM ASSOCIATION e. V. and managing director of Deutsche MTM-Gesellschaft mbH. “I say thank you for the trust placed in me to work as the responsible person for the MTM organization and the One-MTM network!”

From 2020 to 2023, Joachim Rath served as Chairman of the Board, Oskar Heer, Christian Köstler, Martin Haselhuhn as Deputy Chairmen of the Board, and Thorsten Junghanns, Christoph Gammel, Michel Isermann, Michael Berschneider, Dr. Mathias Keil and Dr. Johannes Wrehde as members of the MTM Board.

Don’t miss: General Assembly and MTM SUMMIT 2023

Members will be able to see this development for themselves at the General Assembly on October 18, 2023 in Hamburg and online. I would like to hereby invite all members to attend the MTM General Assembly 2023.

The available places at the MTM SUMMIT 2023 (October 18 and 19, 2023) are getting scarce! If you still want to attend THE MTM Community Meeting in Hamburg, you should hurry and secure another free online ticket: By the way: During the two days of the event, new publications will be presented, which will be available for download at our online exhibition booth. Attendees can thus take the opportunity to get first-hand information on the digitization of MTM methods.

A comprehensive insight into innovations in our standard software TiCon is provided by the TiCon User’s Day 2023 on the afternoon of October 19, 2023. This is one and a half hours of compact information on site in Hamburg and in a live stream on The offer is aimed in particular at maintenance customers of the Digital Solutions business unit.

Already more than 300 participants from 18 countries worldwide have registered for both the face-to-face event and the online participation. Experienced Kaizen profiler Nadja Böhlmann will lead the program. All info on the MTM SUMMIT 2023, registration or tickets at For questions, please send an email to

Prof. Dr. Peter Kuhlang
Managing Director