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60 Years MTM in Germany

To kick off the MTM SUMMIT 2022, a video clip spanned the beginnings of the international MTM methodology standard, current best practices in MTM application, and the future of digital work planning.

Eine LED-Wand, auf der ein Video läuft

60 years of MTM (Methods-Time Measurement) in Germany – a good reason for the MTM ASSOCIATION e. V., successor organization to the German MTM Association e. V., to take a look at the beginnings of the international method standard, to focus on the best practices of MTM application today – and also to provide an outlook on where the journey is headed in terms of digitization of work planning. The video clip that spans this arc celebrated its premiere at the start of MTM SUMMIT 2022.

The preview took place on October 18, 2022, the day the Deutsche MTM-Vereinigung e. V. was founded 60 years ago. Carl Becks, who in 1962 was in charge of introducing modern methods of work design at Vorwerk, one of the founding companies of the industry association, was also present at the small ceremony – in other words, a contemporary witness who has been involved with MTM application in Europe and the USA throughout his (working) life.

However, not only contemporary witnesses and companions of MTM application and dissemination in Germany and worldwide were present at the 60th anniversary celebration. Jan Fischbach, Managing Director of Common Sense Team GmbH and Scrum expert, stated in his dinner speech: “No Scrum without Taylor and the Gilbreth couple” – one the founder of scientific management, the other two the founders of the study of movement and discoverers of the 17 basic movements of manual activities (Therblig = Gilbreth backwards), the raw material for the development of the MTM method.

More than 550 participants online and on-site
The subsequent two-day MTM SUMMIT was followed by more than 550 participants online and on-site. Together with the speakers and exhibitors, they made the meeting of the MTM community an unforgettable event. Among the highlights of the conference program were the two panel discussions. Moderated by Ralf Volkmer, Lean Knowledge Base, the lean and MTM enthusiasts positioned themselves – and ultimately found more common ground than dividing lines. No less exciting was the discussion on work planning with the help of automatically generated MTM analyses from digital transaction data. There is a lot to look forward to in the coming months from the point of view of software providers and MTM.

Recordings of the presentations still available for four weeks
Participants of MTM SUMMIT 2022 who are registered on the conference tool will still have the opportunity to review the presentations in the coming weeks (just use the login). The recordings of all presentations as well as the interviews with the exhibitors are available under “Records”. Furthermore, it is worth taking a look at the “Gallery” – have fun!

By the way: You will soon also find the presentations in our research and archiving system IRAS.

For all those who are already looking forward to the next MTM SUMMIT: The date is October 18/19, 2023 – in Hamburg and online. Before that, MTM will of course be on the road – for example, on March 16/17, 2023 in Mannheim at LeanAroundTheClock (LATC) 2023. See you there!