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Fit for practice with MTM know-how

Companies have high expectations for the work of engineers at the interfaces of product development, process planning, and production. However, young professionals often lack the necessary understanding of planning, knowledge of methods and the ability to think in a networked and holistic manner. The courses offered by the MTM ASSOCIATION e. V. and the Deutsche MTM-Gesellschaft mbH help to close this gap. The most recent example is the “Production Technology” series of courses offered by the Department of Technical Business Management at the South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences.

Veranstaltungsreihe Produktionstechnik an der FH Südwestfalen

Efficient and cost-effective production is the order of the day. Companies have high expectations of engineers who work at the interface of product development, process planning and production. This requires a comprehensive understanding of planning and methods, as well as the ability to think in a networked and holistic manner – know-how that graduates often have little or none of. The programs offered by the MTM ASSOCIATION e. V. and the Deutsche MTM-Gesellschaft mbH help to close this gap. The most recent example is the “Production Technology” series of events at the Department of Technical Business Administration at the FH Südwestfalen (South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences) under the direction of Prof. Dr. Stephan Wittkop. Andreas Bochmann, Team Leader Sales, and Dr. Fabian Nöhring, Project Leader and MTM Instructor, both from Deutsche MTM-Gesellschaft mbH, made 13 participants fit for practice with MTM know-how.

The “Production Engineering” series of events began with an introduction to the topic. In a guest lecture, Fabian Nöhring introduced MTM to the students as a method for the digital design of efficient and ergonomic work. Stage 2 was the MTM-1® Base and MTM-UAS® training for students, which the participants completed as an e-learning course. The last part of the series of events deals with the practical application of MTM. Andreas Bochmann and Fabian Nöhring used MTM-Easy®, the first cloud-based software solution for the determination of production times.


The cooperation partners agree that every engineer should know the basics, from target times to personnel planning – this helps to understand how a company works. “A university graduate cannot have many years of experience at the start of his or her career. But what makes the first steps much easier is a basic understanding of systematic, digital product and process design in order to avoid costs right from the planning phase,” emphasizes Fabian Nöhring.

Teilnehmer Veranstaltungsreihe Produktionstechnik an der FH Südwestfalen

Knowing this basic MTM principle and how MTM methods are structured and applied also promotes solution-oriented discussions in day-to-day business. Because: “An early exchange between all those involved in the value-added process – from the designer to the work planner, the personnel planner, the logistician and the individual worker – is extremely important,” says Andreas Bochmann.

The cooperation partners rated the series of events as a success. “We have already planned a continuation for next semester,” said Prof. Dr. Stephan Wittkop. An expansion of the program for students is also under discussion. For him, the benefits for all involved are obvious: “With the MTM course, the prospective engineers acquire methodological skills that they can use universally and across all industries. The university provides graduates who are optimally prepared for professional practice. And MTM anchors the knowledge of efficient and ergonomic work design in the minds of future work planners, time managers and industrial engineers at the best possible time.

Do you have questions about the cooperation? Here are your contacts: 

Further information on MTM training for students can be found here.