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MTM-OS on the Green Card

The MTM ASSOCIATION e. V. offers worldwide standardized, certified MTM trainings, coaching on the job and workshops. This is based on the Training and Examination Regulations (APO). At its last meeting, the MTM Examination Board approved the APO for the training year 2024 and with it some innovations. The MTM-OS (Office System) will then also be on the Blue and Green Card.

The MTM Examination Board

The MTM ASSOCIATION e. V. offers worldwide standardized, certified MTM trainings, coaching on the job and workshops. This is based on the Training and Examination Regulations (APO). At its last meeting, the MTM Examination Board approved the APO for the training year 2024 and with it some innovations. We have summarized the most important ones for you here:  

  • Qualification as MTM Instructor – Teaching License
    The scope of action for MTM and EAWS Instructors has been specified. To improve support, MTM Instructors will be assigned to a One-MTM partner from next year. The conditions under which in-house instructors are allowed to teach outside their company have also been specified.

  • Special MTM-OS Teaching Authorization
    For MTM Instructors, the MTM-OS (Office System) training has been added to the program. Instructors, who have at least one valid teaching license, can acquire an additional teaching authorization, if they have successfully completed the MTM-OS training. So the MTM-OS (Office System) will then also be on the Blue and Green Card.

  • New Workshops
    For the first time, the MTM ASSOCIATION e. V. is expanding its range of workshops. In addition to the “Introduction to MTM” workshop, the “Development of Operational Standard Processes” workshop and the “Product (eHpV) and Process Optimization (MV)” workshop will be available in the future. In order to achieve the greatest possible customer benefit, these workshops will be held exclusively within the company. This allows the content to be coordinated in advance and tailored to the specific needs of the customer. There are no special prerequisites for participation. Topics, focus and dates of the public workshops can be found on the website of the MTM ASSOCIATION e. V.,

         The training courses “MTM and Value Stream” and “Process Architecture” are no longer offered. The latter can now be booked as an in-house workshop.

  • New Appendix to the APO
    The appendix to the new APO contains information on the preparation of mandatory analyses for the MTM and EAWS Practitioner Refresher Courses, MTM and EAWS Instructor Courses and Licensing Courses. The mandatory analyses are a prerequisite for obtaining the Blue Card (MTM), Blue Card (EAWS® ) and Green Card (MTM). As of 2024, the mandatory analyses can be taken in 3 variants:

    1. assessment test/competence test/questioning of the current level of knowledge prior to the training on the training platform of the MTM ASSOCIATION e. V.
    2. obligatory analyses of 3 to 5 operational use cases
    3. obligatory analyses for one workstation

As usual, the APO 2024 will be available for download in multiple languages in the “Information” section of

There are also news from the examination committee itself. Tim Heidutzek (BMW Group) and Josef Pils (MTM ASSOCIATION e. V.), who have been committed to the dissemination and further development of the MTM method standard for many years, have resigned. New members are Philipp Wolf (BMW Group) and Andrea Hilliger (MTM ASSOCIATION e. V.).

In the picture from left: Dr. Thomas Finsterbusch, MTM ASSOCIATION e. V., and Anna Bocksrocker, Mercedes-Benz AG (remote), Bernd Saft, Brose Fahrzeugteile SE & Co. KG, Philipp Wolf, BMW Group, Udo Baginski, Robert Bosch GmbH, Andrea Hilliger, MTM ASSOCIATION e. V., Olaf Damitz, Volkswagen AG, Prof. Dr. Peter Kuhlang, MTM ASSOCIATION e. V., Julia Meyer, Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KGUdo