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MTM and logistics – it works!

In the #iwml Report 08 “Manual Processes – Manual Work with Brains” (available only in German), the MTM authors Prof. Dr. Peter Kuhlang, CEO MTM ASSOCIATION e. V., and Maria Neumann, Research Associate, dispel the rumor that logistic processes cannot be evaluated with MTM. You can find the download link in the blog.


The makers of “Irgendwas mit Logistik”, iwml for short, are not only good at podcasts and videos, they can also produce reports – with real depth and still entertaining to read. The 8th report is about manual processes, which will continue to be important in the (partially or fully automated) future – especially in logistics. When it comes to the work of people, there is no way around MTM. The iwml managing directors Andreas Löwe, Jens Pommerening and Thomas Lührs obviously felt the same way and gave the MTM ASSOCIATION e. V. the opportunity to contribute to the technical content of the report.

In their article “Time data with MTM ASSOCIATION”, MTM authors Prof. Dr. Peter Kuhlang, CEO MTM ASSOCIATION e. V., and Maria Neumann, Research Associate, dispel the rumor that logistics processes cannot be evaluated with MTM – and if they can, then only with great effort. Using data, facts and practical examples, they show that MTM works in logistics – simply and correctly, digitally and globally.


Many people know that MTM is the best method for evaluating workflows and processes in the planning phase of a work system. However, very few people know that the scope of MTM goes far beyond assembly planning. It is precisely the ability to evaluate process alternatives “in advance”, i.e. when no costs have been incurred, that makes MTM interesting for logistics.

OEMs, retailers, contract logistics providers, and companies in the food industry have long recognized the benefits of MTM for pricing, quoting, and bid management. The article uses real-world examples to illustrate typical applications of MTM, such as calculating staffing and transportation needs, and evaluating the time and ergonomics of returns processing, picking, repacking, and order picking activities.

Curious? Then get the #iwml Report 08 “Manual Processes – Manual Work with Brains” right HERE.

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