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Update for TiCon for Web

Middle of April, the first of four annually planned updates of the cloud-based software solution TiCon for Web went live.
The web application is develoepped by our Digital Solutions Team and now comes up with a number of new features.


In mid-April, the first of four planned annual updates to the cloud-based software solution TiCon for Web went live. The web application developed in the Digital Solutions business unit, which is used to evaluate work processes, now has new features. For one thing, both value-added and non-value-added time components can be displayed. The integration of the MTM-UAS®, MTM-MEK® (make-to-order and small batch production), MTM-VI (visual inspection) and MTM-LOG® (logistics) process building block systems also offers great added value. As a result, the software can now effectively support cross-industry use cases of our customers and can also be used in almost all of our training offerings.

New features of the TiCon for Web solution 
  • With the new tab “Times” it is now possible to make a detailed analysis of the time types. The entry of individual surcharges is possible at all levels.
  • Within the scope of the evaluation, quantitative statements can be made better and faster, from the analysis to entire work plans. Because in the analysis, it is now possible to record exactly what contribution the individual work sections make to the overall value added. This means that it is clear at a glance how many parts of the process are value-adding and non-value-adding and at which point valuable working time is lost.
  • The size-adjustable sidebar ensures efficient work with the data cards.
More reach through new languages

TiCon for Web is available in German, English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Hungarian, Italian and Polish. “This is not only a benefit for the users of the software solution, but also for the participants of MTM trainings all over world,” says Dr. Thomas Finsterbusch, head of MTM-Academy. The rising booking numbers prove him right and once again the succesful cooperation between the team of Manuela Ostermeier, head of Digitization and Internationalization of MTM Training, and the colleagues from the Digital Solutions department.

Continuous development, also through your feedback!

“Our goal is to continuously develop TiCon for Web into a powerful product that reflects customer needs. That’s why we would like to invite every interested party to convince themselves of the new features of TiCon for Web via a test license. Simply register at and test TiCon for Web free of charge for 30 days,” says Torsten Hofmann, Team Lead Sales.

For more information on the TiCon for Web update, please contact our Digital Solutions Team. Simply write an e-mail to: