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MTM China Forum 2022: Digital transformation needs valid data

On the initiative of the MTM ASSOCIATION e. V., MTM (Shanghai) Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd. organized the “MTM China Forum for Industrial Engineering” as an online event in July 2022. 230 IE experts and labor scientists from over 70 companies and universities in China actively participated in this forum and intensively exchanged ideas on the topic of “MTM in Industrial Digitization”.


On the initiative of the MTM ASSOCIATION e. V., MTM (Shanghai) Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd. organized the “MTM China Forum for Industrial Engineering” as an online event in July 2022. 230 IE experts and labor scholars from over 70 companies and universities in China actively participated in this forum and intensively exchanged ideas on the topic of “MTM in Industrial Digitalization”. It was a special honor to have renowned speakers from home and abroad.

Evaluate and design early, improve continuously
Dr. Li Zhen, Chief Representative for China of MTM ASSOCIATION e. V., Managing Director of MTM (Shanghai) Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd. gave the opening speech. Prof. Dr. Peter Kuhlang, Managing Director of MTM ASSOCIATION e. V. and German MTM Society GmbH, sent a greeting note. Mr. Zhang Zhen, Director of Manufacturing Solution Development of KONE Elevator Co., Ltd, shared KONE Elevator’s experience in providing manufacturing master data based on MTM. “It is important to establish a standard method such as MTM to realize digital transformation on a solid foundation,” he said. Mr. Song Lingmin, Lean Consultant of Central MOVE of Schaeffler Holding (China) Co. Ltd, sees work design as the core of Schaeffler’s production system and introduces MTM, EAWS® and other ergonomic methods as necessary at an early stage to help engineers identify and evaluate risk points and make continuous improvements in production line design. In recent years, Schaeffler has expanded the use of MTM-UAS®, ProKon, Ergo, EAWS® and other tools to achieve the goals of “Pursues Remarkably, Innovates Unceasingly,” he said.

Consistent participation of all divisions
Mr. Huang Nanxiang, System Director and MTM Project Director of Shanghai New Power Automobile Technology Co, Ltd. took his company (formerly Shanghai Diesel Engine Co. Ltd.) as an example of the application of traditional manufacturing companies and pointed out the key role of MTM and the need for consistent participation of all areas of the company in the implementation of highly efficient work design in assembly. In addition, Mr. Huang shared his experience in developing the interface between the APM process system and TiCon software to set up building block systems and standard electronic processes.

Planning software with a seal of approval
Prof. Dr. Lars Fritzsche, CEO of imk Industrial Intelligence GmbH, presented the advantages and functions of the ema software in a practical demonstration. The ema Work Designer, which now bears the “approved by MTM ASSOCIATION” seal of approval, differs from other simulation software on the market in its ability to efficiently implement human-robot simulation, 3D production planning and virtual ergonomics with reliable time data, MTM analyses and ergonomics assessment results according to EAWS®. In addition, as an official partner of imk, MTM Shanghai will provide MTM software-related services and support to customers in China.

Human labor indispensable in the production process of the future

Mr. Jiang Wei, Deputy General Manager, Head of Consulting and Software Service of MTM (Shanghai) Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd. introduced TiCon, the expert solution for MTM application to create a transparent and standardized process from customer inquiry to product costing and final production planning. In his conclusion, Dr. Li Zhen made it clear once again that human labor will continue to be indispensable in the production process in the future. He said that the implementation of digitization requires valid data and standards – and MTM, as a globally recognized standard for work design, will continue to play an important role in the future.

More highlights of 2022 MTM China Forum can be found at:

Ms. Wang Jiaye
Mobile: 0086 134 7266 9641
E-mail: wangjy@mtm-china.net230