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MTM updates

Board election 2023: List of candidates is ready
The general meeting of the MTM ASSOCIATION e. V. will elect a new board this year. The meeting will take place on Day 1 of the MTM SUMMIT on October 18 from 08:30 to 10:30.


Board election 2023: List of candidates is ready

The general meeting of the MTM ASSOCIATION e. V. will elect a new board this year. By May 31 of this year, members with premium status were able to submit proposals for their representation on the MTM Board. The following potential candidates for the 2023 board election were reported to the MTM board by the deadline:

  • Michael Berschneider, Dehn SE
  • Prof. Dr. Jochen Deuse, TU Dortmund University, Institute for Production Systems
  • Christoph Gammel, Airbus Defence and Space GmbH
  • Martin Haselhuhn, Volkswagen AG
  • Michel Isermann, Hella GmbH & Co. KGaA
  • Dr. Mathias Keil, Audi AG
  • Martin Rathke, Mercedes-Benz AG
  • Dr. Johannes Wrehde, Miele & Cie. KG

This year, the general meeting will take place on Day 1 of the MTM SUMMIT on October 18 from 08:30 to 10:30. So if you are planning to attend the MTM community meeting in Hamburg anyway – all information at – you can save yourself an additional journey. To ensure that as many members as possible can take part in the voting, the 2023 General Meeting is planned as a hybrid event. The board will make the decision at its meeting at the end of June. All information about the general meeting will be available in September with the timely invitation.

International logistics service provider Grupo Sesé is new member of MTM ASSOCIATION e. V.
On Jan. 12, 2023, Oscar Grau, CPO/CI of Grupo Sesé, headquartered in Spain, signed the declaration of accession to the industry association MTM ASSOCIATION e. V. CEO Prof. Dr. Peter Kuhlang was delighted with the new member and the associated strengthening of the international MTM community. “People are the core of success, they are the focus – MTM and Grupo Sesé agree on that,” Kuhlang said.

This was preceded by a working meeting at the headquarters of MTM ASSOCIATION e. V. and One-MTM network in Hamburg to introduce the MTM method standard at Grupo Sesé. Oscar Grau was joined by his colleague Ann Schmitz and, on behalf of Deutsche MTM-Gesellschaft mbH, Business Unit Manager Ralf L. Jaehnke, Project Manager Andreas Bochmann, Sales Manager Torsten Hofmann and Requirements Engineer Stephan Meyer.

More information about the introduction of MTM in the company can be found HERE.

Latin America: MTM ASSOCIATION e. V. qualifies in productivity management and ergonomics
The FIR e. V. institute at RWTH Aachen University, MTM ASSOCIATION e. V., engineering service provider PEM Motion and WBA Aachener Werkzeugbau Akademie GmbH are once again offering Y-Mas, an advanced training program for the manufacturing industry in Spanish-speaking Latin America. The courses in blended learning format (e-learning platform + inverted classroom + webinar) impart knowledge and skills to increase productivity and continuously improve the production process, to design adaptable technical systems and to keep the workforce healthy. Part of the MTM ASSOCIATION e. V. is the qualification in the areas of ergonomic work design and productivity management.

At the end of February 2023, educational institutions, scientists, companies and government institutions will meet in Aguascalientes, Mexico, for the International Y-Mas Conference “The Future of Work”. Prof. Dr. Peter Kuhlang, CEO MTM ASSOCIATION e. V., and Dr. Martin Benter, Team Leader Digitalization & Automation of MTM Methods, MTM Institute, will be among the participants.

Learn more about the Y-Mas continuing education program HERE.

Can innovations be planned ahead? Prof. Dr. Peter Kuhlang in an interview with Kamuran Sezer
Performance, the tension between economics and ergonomics, health protection, new technologies, standards, digitization, innovations, saving time and thus money as an entrepreneur – these are keywords from an article by Kamuran Sezer, author, musician and managing director of the Futureorg Institute, for LeanMagazin. His interview partner: Prof. Dr. Peter Kuhlang, CEO of the MTM ASSOCIATION e. V. and MTM expert by passion. Read the full article HERE. (only in German)

The Basi in Dialog – Live stream: Work effectively and healthily with time-optimized planning?
Is it possible to design work efficiently while at the same time helping to keep employees healthy – and if so, how can this be implemented in practice? Dr. Christian Felten, Managing Director of the German Federal Association for Safety and Health at Work (Basi), and Dr. Thomas Finsterbusch, Head of the MTM Academy of the MTM ASSOCIATION e. V., explore this question in the latest edition of “The Basi in Dialog”. Follow the live stream (only in German) on September 20, 2022, starting at 3:30 p.m. and join the discussion. Registration HERE.

Lectures from the LeanDigitalConference now available in the LeanOnlineAcademy
“Lean Work – efficient and ergonomic design” was the motto of the LeanDigitalConference on May 24, 2022, live from the LeanTV Studio in Mannheim. The presentations are now freely available to registered users in the LeanOnlineAcademy at (only in German). The focus will be on ergonomic work design at SIKO GmbH, VR and MTM in the design of DEHN’s work systems of the future, MTM method use at Siemens and lean assessment with MTM-Easy. MTM Managing Director Prof. Dr. Peter Kuhlang focuses on Lean and MTM as a successful work design method pair.

Association of Entrepreneurs draws attention to MTM-Easy®
Time determination very easy – Association of Entrepreneurs provided information on how this works in the most recent working group on labor management. Association engineer Tobias Fastenrath got competent support in front of the webcam. Dr. Thomas Finsterbusch, head of the MTM Academy, and Andreas Bochmann, project engineer at Deutsche MTM-Gesellschaft mbH, presented the new, cloud-based software solution to the online meeting participants. You can find more information about this event HERE.
Get your free trial of MTM-Easy

Work Forum “Future-proof collective agreements and sustainability in companies”
On May 17, 2022, the Südwestmetall Employers’ Association is organizing the Work Forum in cooperation with the Southwest Business Association (USW) and the Baden-Württemberg Entrepreneurs (UBW). This time in focus: “Future-proof collective agreements and sustainability in companies”. Prof. Dr. Peter Kuhlang, CEO MTM ASSOCIATION e. V., will represent us at this event and be your local contact.

Survey: Status quo of ergonomics in industrial manufacturing in the EU
David Cardero, master student at the University of Lyon, is conducting a survey on ergonomics in industrial manufacturing and legislation in the EU on behalf of One-MTM partner Fondazione Ergo-MTM Italia. By participating in the corresponding survey, you support this research. The data will be treated confidentially and will only be presented in aggregated form in the final report. To the survey

TiCon for Windows bears the seal of approval “approved by MTM ASSOCIATION”
TiCon for Windows, the digital solution for planning product and manufacturing processes developed by Deutsche MTM-Gesellschaft mbH, has now also passed the most important endurance test: The rule-compliant use of MTM in TiCon has been confirmed with the seal of quality “approved by MTM ASSOCIATION”. This gives customers and partners the security of working with valid time data based on a global standard.0

15.03.2022 Overview of MTM training now available for download MTM-1® Base E-Learning with online exam, MTM-UAS® E-Learning also in English, public training in the process building block system BMW Group SD, repeat exam MTM-UAS® online, the qualification for MTM and EAWS practitioners as well as for MTM and EAWS instructor completely digital – MTM Academy and MTM Institute are constantly working on the further development of the training offer. We have put everything together clearly in the new Academy flyer. More info at