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The Human as supervisor

Anne Scherer, co-founder of Delta Labs and keynote speaker at MTM SUMMIT 2024 talks about human-centered AI and the connection to work design with MTM. For Anne Scherer, the future role distribution is clear: AI as a tool – the human as supervisor.

Künstliche  Intelligenz

Anne Scherer, co-founder of Delta Labs and former assistant professor at the University of Zurich, is a recognized expert in consumer psychology and technology. With her TEDxTalk 2020 on human-machine interaction, which has been viewed over 1.8 million times, and as co-author of the bestseller “You & AI”, she has made a significant contribution to the debate on artificial intelligence. In this interview, the keynote speaker at MTM SUMMIT 2024 talks about human-centered AI and the connection to work design with MTM. For Anne Scherer, the future role distribution is clear: AI as a tool – the human as supervisor.

AI is a hot topic, both in the media and in business. However, says Anne Scherer, many people have a Hollywood image of AI: it takes over the world and then everything runs autonomously. We’re definitely not there yet. AI supports systems, it is a tool, a tool that revolutionizes human work. In her presentation at the MTM SUMMIT 2024, she wants to show the MTM community how AI can also help to optimize work processes in the future, but that some things will have to change “so that we have a good human-machine system”. The least likely scenario at the moment is that the systems will run completely on their own. “Therefore, humans will simply take on the role of supervisors.”

Artificial Intelligence as a sparring partner

In the interview, the DeltaLabs co-founder also talks about choosing the right methods and processes for using AI, about AI as a sparring partner, about generating new ideas and perspectives, about the different areas of application for AI – and about the ideal listener. At the MTM SUMMIT 2024, Anne Scherer is primarily addressing managers and AI enthusiasts who are considering using AI in their company, but also “people who want to reflect critically on this and understand a little better what can and cannot be done with the systems.”

A tool to make our work better

At the end of the interview, she once again draws the bow to the MTM method standard. “We always talk a lot about AI. I actually like to talk about people too. That’s why we also talk about human-centered AI systems. And I also believe that this topic will be very well received at the MTM SUMMIT, especially with this focus on people in current work processes, if we understand AI as a tool that can make our work better!”

Listen to the full interview (in German) HERE. The interviewee is Götz Müller, Lean Knowledge Base.

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