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Wilo: Managers as Multipliers

What can a company achieve by applying the MTM method standard? Where do the target times for production come from? How can the acceptance of MTM be promoted among employees? These and many other questions were the focus of a series of workshops on the MTM planning concept at Wilo Operations Dortmund.

Workshopreihe bei Pumpenhersteller Wilo

What can a company achieve by applying the MTM methodology standard? Where do the target times for production come from? How can the acceptance of MTM be promoted among employees? These and many other questions were the focus of a series of workshops on the MTM planning concept at Wilo Operations Dortmund. The Wilo Group is a multinational technology group and one of the world’s leading premium suppliers of pumps and pump systems for building services, water management and industry. The aim of the workshop series at Wilo was to win over managers as multipliers for the application of MTM in the company.

Aim of the workshop series: Getting to know and understand MTM

Each of the five events in the spring was attended by between 8 and 12 operational managers from Wilo production, including foremen, shift supervisors and area managers. The aim was, on the one hand, to develop an understanding of the benefits of MTM and to transfer this understanding to the employees via the managers as multipliers in the shop floor. On the other hand, a certain pull effect should be generated, i.e. production informs industrial engineering about changes or requests pilots/beacons for their area. In this way, the cooperation of all those involved in the product creation process can be promoted in a sustainable way.

Führungskräfte als Multiplikatoren zur Einführung von MTM

Benefit: Concrete operational examples of work design

Workshop leader Dr. Fabian Nöhring, Deutsche MTM-Gesellschaft mbH, was actively supported by Horst Weber, Head of Industrial Engineering at Wilo Operations Dortmund. He brought along concrete operational examples of work design, so that the specialists and managers could experience and thus directly understand the advantages of the MTM application in various design areas – from product and work process to operating resources, material provision and packaging to the assessment of ergonomic risks at the workplaces. IE manager Horst Weber added Wilo specific information to the audio track and also answered questions with a specific Wilo reference.

“THESE workshops ARE ideal for developing a basic understanding of MTM”

Due to the positive feedback from the participants of the first workshop series, another information seminar was held in July. This time the focus was on MTM applications in production and logistics. On-site moderators were Peter Miersch and Vanessa Müller, both consultants at Deutsche MTM-Gesellschaft mbH. Again, IE Director Horst Weber provided practical support. “For me, these workshops are ideal when it comes to developing a basic understanding of MTM, especially at the management level,” says Weber, because this makes it easier to make the right decisions for a successful introduction and sustainable application of the method.

Are you interested in offering a “Get to know and understand MTM” workshop in your company? Then write to us at
Contents, dates and duration of the workshops will be agreed individually.