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New: ProKon User Dialogue

Reduce costs before they happen. This is the idea behind the development of the ProKon (production-oriented design) process, the industry standard for design evaluation. In order to promote the exchange of experiences between ProKon users and to inform about new developments, the Deutsche MTM-Gesellschaft mbH offers a ProKon User Dialogue starting in September.

ProKon User Dialogue

Reduce costs before they arise. This is the idea behind the development of the ProKon process (production-oriented design), the industry standard for design evaluation. With ProKon, the MTM ASSOCIATION e. V. and the Deutsche MTM-Gesellschaft mbH offer a tool for the systematic improvement of design solutions as early as the product development stage. The team supports companies with the introduction and initial use of ProKon as well as with training and further education in the process. In order to promote the exchange of experience between ProKon users, provide information on new developments relating to ProKon and clarify user questions, the team led by André Graichen, Division Manager Consulting, has initiated a ProKon User Dialogue. The free online service will start on September 12, 2024 and will continue on a quarterly basis.

Identify cost drivers early in the product development process

The ProKon User Dialogue is the ideal platform for MTM users with and without ProKon experience, work planners and industrial engineers as well as product managers and product developers. The ProKon User Dialogue is also the right place for interested parties who are not yet familiar with the process, but who are faced with the challenge of identifying cost drivers early in the product development process.

Here is a brief overview of what the tool can do:

  • ProKon evaluates the manual and automated assembly of a product.
  • ProKon identifies and evaluates ergonomic risks in manual assembly.
  • Thanks to its transparent presentation, ProKon makes it possible to identify significant deficiencies at an early stage and to promote sustainable interaction between design, planning and production.
  • ProKon can also be used for design optimization and benchmarking (e. g. with competitor products).
Operational use cases take center stage

At the opening event of the ProKon User Dialogue, it is first of all about collecting interests, topics, information needs and requirements within the company. Because the focus should not be on the theory of ProKon training, says André Graichen, the initiator of the ProKon User Dialogue: “Practical relevance is very important to me. For example, the handling of flexible components, suitable gripping points or process modeling for hand tools. “I’m sure we’ll be discussing a lot of practical use cases – I’m particularly looking forward to that,” emphasizes Graichen.

Registration for the ProKon User Dialogue

For the opening date on 12.09.2024 from 1 to 2 p.m., interested parties can dial into the MS Teams meeting via this link:

ProKon User Dialogue opening event

For all other dates, please register via our website

Do you have questions about the ProKon user dialog? Then please send an e-mail to André Graichen,